The Weekly Bev - 10th Edition

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Good morning, everyone! Especially to the moms out there! I hope everyone had an incredible Mother’s Day. My mom is the best, so I’d like to officially dedicate this edition of the Weekly Bev to her! She’s the only person who loves Erewhon more than me and she’s the reason I love to cook.

Young Jack!!

Let’s dive into it!

😻 Content I’m Loving

This week, we’re going to dive into some vlog lore for you guys. It’s no secret I end every daily video by flopping onto my bed as the clock strikes bedtime. What is a secret is what Mallory and I watch before we dose off to bed…The answer? The Office.

I know I’m not alone in loving The Office, it is great for so many reasons. One of those reasons that it really impacts me is that it teaches you to find beauty in the mundane. There’s an episode in season 8 where Pam talks about how she initially thought it was weird that Dunder Mifflin was chosen as the subject of a documentary, but over the course of filming she came to realize why: the ordinary is something to be celebrated. Life is about finding beauty in the mundane. This is a philosophy I like to ground myself in when filming the vlogs.

Nowadays, the highlight moments always seem to be the focus of most people’s content, but that’s not reality. We all wake up in the ordinary every day, and I think a huge part of maturing as a person is realizing there’s more beauty in the world than just those highlight moments. I think if you’re only focused on the highlights, then you’re always going to be chasing a new high. When I’m able to find the beauty in the ordinary, I become infinitely happier because the ordinary is all around me! I often get asked “what does the vlog look like on days where you just have nothing to do?” I like this question because it hits at the foundation of my storytelling choices in the vlog. I could choose to constantly search out new experiences, trying to do something more exciting and wild each day, but I think that is a slippery slope we have seen many content creators go down. In the end, they come to realize they lived their life for the videos, rather than filming their actual life. I made a conscious choice to avoid this kind of thinking, and instead document whatever my day looks like, boring or not. In my opinion, it is a better storytelling exercise to figure out how I can make doing laundry and sending emails feel interesting, rather than trying to top what I did the previous day with something crazier. The vlog is such a blessing in this way because it has deeply instilled this in me. It repeatedly forces me to find the story in the mundane and that’s exactly what the crew from The Office did :)

Also, we all know The Office is very lighthearted, which is often exactly what I need after a day of working where I can sometimes find myself taking things too seriously. The pranks, the jokes, and team meetings, as Mallory says as we watch “my beans is doing giggles.”

It wouldn’t be right to wrap things up without including my top 3 episodes…

Honorable mention: Pretzel Day

Reply and let me know what episode is your favorite!

🥖 Sourdough Thoughts

When I’m not filming or editing a video, I like to work on something a bit more ~analog~. That’s why cooking and baking are such a huge hobby of mine, and one of the most recent projects I have been working on is sourdough.

Baking something with a sourdough starter intimidated me at first, but it’s one of those things you just need to dive into, try it once, and then you’ll unlock a whole new realm of possibilities. Once you have done it a few times, then you can start to experiment and have fun. A starter in your fridge is incredible because you can leverage it for a million different delicious treats. I got lucky with mine, a friend gave me some from a restaurant in Denver called Bruto, a place known for their bread service. I think there are plenty of local bakeries that would be kind enough to sell you some starter if you ask. You could always make your own as well, but finding one from somewhere is a fun story.

Croissants are hard to nail, but easier items like bagels, focaccia, bread, and tortillas are a great Sunday activity that leaves you feeling productive, stimulated, and happy because you’re left with a tasty treat at the end. I highly recommend Sourdough Mom’s sourdough loaf recipe. It takes eight hours, which is much shorter than the other recipes I have watched or read through. My first time trying this one yielded a pretty solid result, and I will probably stick to it in the future.


THE BEST same day sourdough bread recipe!!🤩🌾 comment below if you’re gonna try it!!🫶🏼 #sourdoughbread #sourdoughrecipe #sourdough #sourdou... See more

✈️ Travel Gear

I’m on the road right now filming content for Tribute Hotels, so I figured I’d drop my (non-obvious) travel essentials on you guys…

  • Mints

  • Hand sanitizer

  • iPad (Must download movies/shows ahead of time)

  • Powerbeats headphones

  • Along with my gear list: FX30, lenses, voiceover setup, rode wireless pro, laptop :)

You guys are the greatest! As always, thank you for reading!




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