The Weekly Bev - 13th Edition

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Good morning, everyone! We’re fast approaching Day 1000. This is going to be huge - and I want you to be a part of it :)

🥳 Day 1000 Update

The Day 1000 house is officially booked!

Big time pool vibes.

Bananas view from the patio…

Looks pretty fun right? It has to be! We’re celebrating 1000 straight days of daily vlogs. I’m so proud of this community, all of the work I’ve put into this, and the personal growth I’ve experienced since starting. This is a milestone that I want to go big on. Now…that’s not to say I’m trying to put together my own Project X. My goal for the celebration is simply for everyone to have a really great day, hanging out, enjoying each other’s company and soaking in the LA sun. We’re not (necessarily) trying to end up on the local news…

Little backstory: my birthday is August 31st, and every year growing up I would have a pool party. I hope the Day 1000 party will have a similar vibe. As long it’s a fun and safe day, I eat a nice breakfast burrito, have a Leisure and a Bev, I’ll consider it a success. I’ll be capturing content throughout the day of course, but it won’t be too much. I really don’t have many expectations, I’ll just be focused on enjoying the day!

Who will be in attendance? The homies! Friends, family, the daily vlog community! My parents are coming out for it too 🥹. Obviously, we’re constrained by the size of the house, headcount is capped to some extent, BUT there is a way to guarantee an invite for you and a friend: refer the most people to the Weekly Bev! It’s a close race right now…

  • 1 referral = 15% off coupon for you to use on any Leisure products.

  • 15 referrals = a free variety 12-pack of Leisure.

  • The most referrals between now and June 30th = a one year supply of Leisure and invites for you and a friend to the Day 1,000th vlog extravaganza here in Los Angeles.

Someone’s going to win in less than a month, will it be you?

So, you may be wondering how I was able to secure such a killer house for this, and the answer may surprise you…or not! Moneyyyyy. I have plans to try and recoup my investment, but I’m definitely risking some cash to make this the best it can be.

I think this is a great opportunity to work with some incredible sponsors for the day. I’m thinking brands related to the pool party experience: bathing suits, sunscreen, pool floats, coolers, umbrellas, hot dogs, etc. The classics. To that end, I recently spoke with an agency that I’ve worked with in the past, who I consider good friends, and I bounced this idea off them: trying to get 3-5 brands involved for the day, one for each major category.

Their advice was very helpful. The main point of friction they highlighted was that by asking for only 3-5 brands to help cover the cost of the house, each brand is going to expect a sizable return for that level of investment (totally fair). I’d be signing up to be working for the brands for the day, and that’s not exactly what I have in mind so I’ve since re-engineered my approach…increasing the number of brands and decreasing the investment required. Of course I’m still promising a few things including a vlog feature, recap feature, and I think other creators will see the products and try them out. Seems like an effective pitch to me, so that’s what I’m doing now! It’s a grind - just sending out decks to agencies, scheduling calls, and putting the work in. If you know of a brand that might be interested, let me know!

As we start to really approach Day 1000, it feels like such great benchmark to hit. I’m a completely different filmmaker than I was on Day 1. I think reaching Day 1000 proves that I was correct in believing in my style of filmmaking. I started this series hoping that I could grow an audience on my style. Telling stories the way that I want to, without other people getting in the middle of it. My approach has basically been the opposite of retention editing style videos. I’ve highlighted the everyday treasures, and shown that people do in fact want good, honest storytelling, which is personally very fulfilling.

I’m still trying to think of other ways to expand on this milestone and get you guys, my Weekly Bev warriors, involved. Would you guys want to learn how to make a breakfast burrito with Great White or Dialog? Let me know!

🏃‍♂️ Day 999 Run

Day 1000 is on Sunday June 30th which means I will be doing a run the day before on Saturday June 29th, and YOU’RE invited.

We’ll meet at the Beverly Hills sign on Santa Monica Boulevard (511 N Doheny Dr) at 8:45am. We’ll start the run at 9am and will only do 2-3 miles at an easy pace (need the legs to be fresh for the pool party). I need to get a rough headcount, so…

RSVP by replying to this email!

Thank you so much for reading! I can’t wait to see you guys for the run!




or to participate.